Monday, September 18, 2006

The continuing adventures of Mike Malloy

First, an update from Malloy's site:

No big news to report as this week comes to a close, and Mike has no scheduled upcoming guest radio appearances to announce. He was, however, just interviewed by about an article they're writing re: Air America radio past, present, and future. We haven't been told the publication date.

Speaking of which, we will share all the details of our personal experiences with Air America once our financial and other mutual business issues are resolved; hopefully sooner rather than later. You deserve to know the truth and as you would imagine, there's quite a story to tell.

We now have three potential radio opportunities to consider and are cautiously optomistic that we'll be back on the air soon. Can't wait to talk with you all again! Your supportive email and calls and petitions are being noticed and just might hasten our return to radio.

Many thanks and have a great weekend Truthseekers!

Watch you back,


Malloy did an interview Wednesday with Lee Rayburn of WXXM in Madison. You can hear it here. And when the interview is published, I'll give you all a link to it.

And today, September 18, he got a little funnier:

Mike was recently interviewed by for an article they're writing about Air America Radio past, present, and future. We haven't been told the publication date, but watch for it. Mike had some interesting observations. Speaking of which . . .

Strange things can happen when certain corporate entities fire much of their website editing department without first making sure at least one remaining employee knew how to operate the darned thing. I'm just sayin' . . . . .

And be sure to tune into Peter Werbe at 10 PM ET on Air America Radio while you can. He's a good guy and a premier talk show host and you should check him out, wish him luck, and pray his checks cash.

And again - for all the kind folks who keep emailing wanting to know the awful truth, rest assured: we will share all the details of our personal experiences with Air America once our financial and other mutual business issues are resolved; hopefully sooner rather than later. You deserve to know the truth and as you would imagine, there's quite a story to tell.

While there is no definite job news to report, we now have three potential radio opportunities to consider and are cautiously optomistic that we'll be back on the air soon. Can't wait to talk with you all again! Your supportive email and calls and petitions are being noticed and just might hasten our return to radio.

Watch your back,


Speaking of the Air America web site, he decided to pop in to his old Air America Radio blog, and say hello as well. I'll post the whole thing, because the folks at Air America might eventually figure out how to control and update their website. In about six months or so. In the meantime, enjoy!

(UPDATE 9/19: Looks like I was right. Air America's webmaster got in and put the brakes on that little party. Malloy's show is no longer listed on the drop-down menu of programs, and his AAR blog is now gone. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.)

Invasion of the Talk Show Snatchers
by Mike Malloy on September 18, 2006 - 6:42pm.

Hi. Malloy here. It’s Monday, September 18, 2006. Well, it’s been almost three weeks since we were fired by the really, really strange pod-people who have temporarily taken over Air America. Tonight’s program will be hosted by my good friend Peter Werbe. Not sure what he’s talking about tonight, but do tune in. If you’re wondering how we’re writing and posting this mini-blog it’s simply because the airheads in Air America’s executive suites – the pod-people mentioned above – are too, um, stupid to figure out how to handle their own website access. The door’s wide open. So we dashed in just for the hell of it to post this “howdy, how is everyone?”

Frankly, we think the suits are too stupid to stop us so we’ll probably do this every day and also post a longer blog inside the site where we used to. Until they figure out what we’re doing and stop our fun. Bastards. Just mean ol’ right-wing bastard pod-people running our Air America. Well, eventually their bodies will start to react to Earth atmosphere and they’ll have to leave. Meantime, Mike and Kathy here saying, stay tuned!

Well, ummm... at least Air America updated their schedule. Must have finally paid the webmaster or something. And as of September 19, it seems all references to Malloy on the site are now nonexistent.


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